Educational Content
for Core Nursing Skills
Through Virtual Reality (VR)

Nursing Skills (Core Nursing Skills) is a 360VR-based immersive practice education platform,
consisting of content on 18 topics, along with a learning management system to track practice status and results.

Go to Homepage

Bring the field to my computer

Features optimized for learning

Learning Management System (LMS)

  • Check Learning Outcome Data

  • Instructor Feedback Submission

  • Review Student Practice Status

A service accessible to everyone.

학생 이미지


I like that I can
practice anytime, anywhere.

학생 이미지


I like that I can
check my students' learning progress.

학생 이미지


We can offer students
a new practical learning environment

A service in use at educational institutions nationwide

Two access environments provided.

Go to Web Version

웹페이지에서 바로 실행
장소 제약 없이 실습 가능

Install the Program

설치 파일 다운로드 후 실행
안정적인 구동 환경 제공

권장사양 안내

구분 웹버전
프로세서(CPU) Intel® Core™ i5 또는
AMD Ryzen™ R5 1600
메모리(RAM) 16GB RAM 또는 그 이상
운영체제(OS) Windows® 10 64-bit
(WebGL 2.0 이상 지원 브라우저)
Windows® 10 64-bit
하드디스크(HDD) - 15GB 이상의 하드 드라이브 여유 공간

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