VRWARE Edu StoryBuilder

Storytelling-based educational authoring tool
for recreating your own VR storybooks.

VRWARE Edu StoryBuilder is a storytelling-based authoring tool.
Use authoring tools such as speech bubbles, text translation, stickers,
and image insertion to recreate classic fairy tales in a new way.
Share your creations with friends or experience them in VR mode.


Check out various functions.

  • POINT 01

    Fairy Tale Recreation

    Create stories or illustrations based on the provided classic fairy tales.

  • POINT 02

    Using authoring tools

    Use a variety of authoring tools such as speech bubbles, stickers, background music, recording, image insertion, and brushes to enhance your creations.

  • POINT 03

    AI features

    Translate speech bubble text into multiple languages and insert creative images using generative AI.

  • POINT 04

    Viewer Mode

    Save your VR storybook and enjoy it in viewer mode.

  • POINT 05

    Share your creation

    Share your VR storybook with your friends by exporting it as a PDF or MP4 file.

  • POINT 06

    VR experience

    Experience your storybook in VR using a DIY cardboard viewer.

Play with friends

Share the fairy tale you created with your friends.

Share your created fairy tales with friends, introduce the stories, and have discussions.

A variety of virtual learning spaces

Use our storytelling-based interactive story creation tool.

  • 01

    Improve your language skills through the storytelling process, and enhance your creativity by recreating stories.

  • 02

    Sharing your creations and discussing stories with friends improves communication skills.

  • 03

    Works seamlessly with other drawing and e-book creation tools for convenient use.

Solution list

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VRWARE Edu Storybuilder today!

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